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The company was established in 1904 by Luigi Vegni in Florence near Piazza della Signoria (Via De’ Cerchi n°2) to be exact.

In the beginning it was created as Luggage Transport company “Firenze – Viareggio”, already extending its destinations in 1912 from Florence to Arezzo, Bologna, Milan, Trieste, Turin and Paris.

Even today, the same Vegni family is head of the company, working in association and ease with offices acting in the Central/Northern Italy and associates for Southern Italy.

Specialised in the delivery of various types of shipping, Vegni Express S.R.L, as well as the reliability and dependability that have enabled the company to remain on the market still today, offer the experience, the assistance and cooperation to ensure, in the most tailored way possible, the satisfaction of all distribution requirements.

Fast, reliable and safe, the company offers all those logistical services to support goods distribution, using personnel whose competence is constantly monitored by the owners themselves.

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  Via delle Calandre 11, Calenzano (FI) Tel. 055/8874070 r.a.- 055/8874063 Fax 055/8869583